“Ukraine, Sudan, Lebanon, Gaza, Haiti and other theatres of seemingly endless human tragedy”. These were the words of the President of the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency Paul Biya, in his address to the Members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to our country, during the traditional presentation of New Year wishes, on Friday 12 January 2025, at the Unity Palace.

In his review of the very gloomy map of ongoing, resurgent or emerging conflicts, the “BEGGAR FOR PEACE” was rightly moved by the precarious state of the human ideal of global irenicism, while refusing to believe in any kind of irreversible fate. He firmly believes that peace is still and always possible, and is even within reach.

To achieve this long-awaited peace, each of us would have to make a sufficiently determined effort to establish a dialogue aimed at the survival and prosperity of all of humanity. It would then be possible to pool ideas and resources, to redistribute the resulting benefits fairly, and to tackle together, at lower cost, the challenges posed by the terrible effects of an increasingly unpredictable climate.

So far, the whole world continues to suffer from the horrors of war, violence, poverty and climate change. The main cause of this catastrophic turmoil lies in the never-ending monopolistic appetites of certain nations, which are more eager to enter and remain in a confrontation that is disastrous in every way than to build bridges of cooperation that will benefit everyone.

The proliferation of armed conflicts on the African continent and the increase in the difficulties encountered by our countries in their development process are some of the harmful consequences of this instability in international relations. For example, the diversification of partnerships, which is a vital imperative for our countries, is unfortunately being met with malicious actions ranging from restrictions to sabotage.

Proof of this is the suddenness with which the scourge of terrorism has appeared and the ease with which it has spread in Africa, despite the colossal resources devoted to its eradication. These are resources that could be used to improve the well-being of our people, but instead are used to further enrich arms manufacturers.

Similarly, we have to look at the ever-expanding market for narcotics of various origins, mainly foreign, which find their way into our countries and sap not only the physical energy but also the intellectual vitality of our African youth. It is our ability to think and build our future that will be jeopardised for decades to come.

The end result sought by this deployment of obstacles and subterfuge is and will always be our maintenance in the narrow straitjacket of unilateral dependence with no prospect of recovery.

As Africans, as Cameroonians, on the basis of our rights and freedoms, we cannot accept this fate.

The time for futile disagreements and divisions based on ethnic origin or linguistic heritage is over. The time has come to “act together now, or perish, for sure”, opines Paul Biya. /-

Navy Capitain


Head of Communication Division - MINDEF


Derniers commentaires

06.12 | 17:52

Initiative à encourager. Merci et bravo aux promoteurs du mouvement 👏👏

03.12 | 09:31

Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como not

30.11 | 11:53

Bonjour Mme et toutes mes félicitations,
Je suis à Douala, je suis à la recherche de votre tisane. Avez-vous une représentation à Douala. Sinon comment faire pour avoir régulièrement votre produit.

28.11 | 21:45

Vive la folie de la littérature

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